Prism Philosophy

  • Built on Values

    Some of the most admired companies in the US have high-performing, customer-oriented corporate cultures. However, each of these companies has a separate and distinct culture–the “perfect culture” or “ideal culture” that companies aspire to do not really exist. What is “right” for a particular company is a culture that has the right fit. Defining the…

  • Green Business

    Green business is going to shape world development in the coming decades. It reaches beyond the economic sphere to include government, business, and society, all acting together to tackle mammoth problems. Green business is not limited to boosting the amount of renewable energy in the generation mix; rather, it is reshaping the entire economic landscape.…


    The Art of Deliberate Success Individuals can learn how to lead DELIBERATE lives by practicing ten key behaviors of successful people: Deciding what is deeply important brings clarity, purpose, and direction into people’s lives. Eliminating all kinds of excess and clutter allows people to concentrate on what is truly important. Language makes up people’s internal…


    In addition, Willard offers seven paradoxes used by successful sustainability champions: 1. You Have to Do It Yourself; You Can’t Do It Alone. Less pushing by leaders actually yields more pushing by others. Giving away ownership of sustainability programs to others in the company is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign of…

  • Jobs without Border

    Creating their own paths and navigating by choice can sometimes lead young people to go global. International work can improve career advancement, because in today’s age of globalization, people who are internationally adaptable are highly prized by organizations. The number and variety of international assignments is increasing, and there are many positive experiences that can…

  • Ecological Intelligence

    Ecological Intelligence, author Daniel Goleman describes an experience he had after buying a toy racecar. Before giving the car to his grandson, Goleman decided to research the use of lead in paint in China, where the car was produced. Although Goleman could not verify the exact ingredients in the racecar’s paint, he nevertheless decided not…


    Willard also presents seven derailers that sustainability champions have the power to influence. Sustainability champions should avoid: 1. Displaying Hubris. Stay humble, be self-aware, and ask for advice. 2. Mishandling Office Politics. Never take credit for a colleague’s accomplishment or idea, and never make a manager who is resistant to change look bad. 3. Being…

  • Social Business

    Social business can take two different forms. A Type I Social Business is a business dedicated to solving a social problem in which investors put all profits back into the business. A Type II Social Business is a profit-making company owned by poor people. There are seven principles that represent the core beliefs of social…

  • Manage Well

    Contrary to popular opinion, “managing up” does not have to involve cozying up to or flattering those in charge. Instead, it can be a conscious approach to working with your supervisor toward goals you both care about. A symbiotic, mutually beneficial relationship between an employee and a manager can increase productivity and goodwill. Managing up…

  • Peer to Peer

    Despite the proliferation of a vast leadership industry purporting to prepare people for the challenges of an increasingly complex world, few organizations have actually adapted to key new realities. Specifically, most fail to see the connection between effective leadership and organizational design that taps into and supports the collective power generated by technology. They overlook…

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