Body language is used for instruction or to communicate information, to emphasize a point or emotion, or to indicate the purpose of spoken language.

Anubha's Session on Non Verbal Communication
Anubha’s Session on Non Verbal Communication

Phipps developed the YODA system for body language. YODA stands for You, Observe, Decode, and Adapt. It is a simple way to understand that by observing and understanding body language, an individual can change their own body language and verbal interactions to better suit any situation. Phipps’ focus is on body language in the business setting, he applies the YODA system to the many interactions that take place in the professional environment.

The Science of Body Language

There is a connection between the internal world of thought and the external world of bodily expression. If an individual focuses on a particular thought long enough (it may just be a few seconds), his physical body will reflect that thought. The brain has the capacity to process external stimuli in a variety of ways. There is a neurolinguistic abbreviation for the senses: VAKOG or visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory. By listening to the way others speak and determining which of the senses dominates their speech, people can find ways to bond with others. Visual people use phrases like: “see what I mean,” whereas the auditory inclined use terms such as: “how does that sound?” This is a key piece of information for someone looking to dominate a conversation or persuade another to their way of thinking. This falls under the “observe”part of the YODA system.

It is important to practice using nonverbal signals before attempting to use them in public. At first, they will seem disjointed and uncomfortable; however, as the gestures are practiced, they will become more natural both for the speaker and the audience. It is also important to be flexible and willing to meet listeners on a common ground.

A speaker should identify his or her intentions before beginning to speak. It is important to clarify what the speaker hopes to gain from the communication, and tailor nonverbal signals to that intention. Observe the audience’s nonverbal signals to be sure that the message is being received as intended.

Though learning about and understanding how nonverbal signals work is important, the true value of nonverbal signals comes in implementation. Practice and usage of nonverbal signals are what really allow people to become great communicators. When a person finally implements nonverbal signals successfully, he or she will truly be empowered as a leader and will achieve a high level of communication success.






  1. Surinderjit Singh Avatar
    Surinderjit Singh

    As per my understanding, Body language expertise comes in person through experience & some people having by birth. Its an important discussion & basic requirement of each individual.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kedar Singh Deshmukh Avatar
    Kedar Singh Deshmukh

    Nicely written!
    Although the message tried to conveyed is rightly received, what we supposed to observe and which bodily expression tells what is open question. I am guessing it will take a lot of observations and perhaps years for understanding them, but is there any reference quick guide for points we should observe and if we will- what they tell us?

    It would be great if I may get inputs regarding this.

    Secondly as explained about phrases like: “see what I mean” and “how does that sound?” for visually and auditory inclined persons respectively, does that happens subconsciously? Will person use or prefer either of them without knowing his inclination?
    I mean these phrase are quite common, and in fact same person may use both of these phrase in non-discriminatory way.

    So what will that tell us about the person?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Parul Nanda Avatar
    Parul Nanda

    The article seems like a whole subject in itself if non verbal communication needs to be understood in depth. It would be interesting to know the DOs and DON’Ts of non verbal communication based on specific intentions of the individual.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Rahul Vashisht Avatar
    Rahul Vashisht

    First of all, i’d like to thank you for sharing with us this research of yours regarding the vital role of body language. To the best of my understanding, an individual’s non verbal expressions can achieve a certain influence when the communication purpose is concerned. In addition, I am fully aware of the body language being a complemental factor to face to face conversation. However, the trend of terms using of particular sense inclined people is very new to me. I would definitely look for more information about this subject.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Kimberley Khyriem Avatar
    Kimberley Khyriem

    They say that success of any law depends on it’s implementation.
    Thus, the success of achieving the right body language can only be decided by implementing them in our lives.

    Liked by 1 person

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